Antigua and Barbuda Traditional cuisine

Antigua and Barbuda Kitchens peoples of Latin American countries - Antigua, Cuba, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, Ecuador, Colombia and others - are very similar to each other. Similarity is observed as the composition of used products and technology of cooking. Through three centuries of Spanish-Portuguese rule, many South American dishes are Italian, Portuguese, Spanish names and origins. For kitchen Latin American cuisine is characterized by a natural meat, mainly beef and pork. Meat roasted on Gridirons or stewed in ceramic pots. Dishes from stew with red beans and smoked sausage in a tomato sauce with red pepper are especially popular. Numerous dishes of vegetables, particularly tomatoes, corn, beans define the typical features of these cuisines. Cold dishes and snacks - salads vegetables with onions, bell peppers, celery and other components.

First course - soup, mashed potatoes, vermicelli soup, soup of black beans and others. Main course - in addition to the above meat dishes, popular domestic and wild bird, roasted on a spit or stewed in a pot with vegetables, meat sausages, reminiscent of Georgian Kupaty. Dishes like chakhokhbili, azu, kebabs are widely distributed in South America. For example, a popular dish "fridantos" there is nothing like grilled on skewers, pre-salted and podperchennye pork. Side dishes - vegetables, potatoes, rice, corn - are served separately. People from South America to the table should be served only white bread. For breakfast - a white crunchy roll or toast. For the salad dressing using olive oil, and only in extreme cases - the usual vegetable. Mayonnaise or sour cream for salads excluded. Desserts and beverages - table wine, traditionally served for lunch and dinner. Fruits and strong organic coffee - the indispensable attributes of the national desk peoples of South America.


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