Description Canton, China

Guangzhou - a well-known cultural and historical city of China, which is also the largest in southern China trade and industrial center of foreign trade and sea port. Guangzhou - the capital of Guangdong province, the political, economic, scientific-technical, educational, cultural and transport center. Guangzhou is the third largest city in China, giving primacy only Beijing and Shanghai.

Guangzhou is located in the southern part of mainland China to the north of the Pearl River Delta (Pearl River), near the coast of the South China Sea, Hong Kong and Macau. The highest mountain in Guangzhou - Bayyunshan.

City crosses the Pearl River, which, taking water tributaries - Duntszyan ( "South River"), Sitszyan ( "East River") and Beytszyan (North River), flows into the South China Sea.

Guangzhou was formerly known in Europe as Canton (Canton). The city has other names in Chinese: Uyanchen ( "city of five rams), Yanchen (" city rams "), Huachen (" city of flowers "), Suychen.


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