Colombia Traditions

Colombia Colombia - a real mosaic of ethnic, culture, folklore, applied arts and lifestyle of the population that represents all the peoples that make up its population. Mixing traditions of Indian tribes with their rich ancient culture, Spanish and African traditions has led to the formation of a unique community of people who today is known as "Colombians".

Here you can meet virtually all phenotypes and all the traditions of the world. "Chechakos" (inhabitants of Bogotá and its surrounding areas) have a reputation for cold and arrogant people who are obsessed by work and politics. "Lyaneros" - residents of the north-eastern regions of the Orinoco are harsh and abstractedly people are very industrious and closed, all the interests which are the prices of cattle and types of weather. Residents of the southern departments allegedly obsessed with bullfighting and unrestrained talkative, and the Indians of the Amazon are rare recluse, who can not stand the newcomers. But all these speculations, of course, have little in common with this character of residents of Colombia. This is a courageous and proud people, holy chtyaschie its history, and passionately believe in God, very sociable and cheerful, who can not only express their views and lively interest in everything happening around them.

Here do not like Americans, but Cubans are highly respected and well belong to Russian (however, you first have to prove that you are just Russian, but not "gringo"). Here are a measure of respectability relations with its neighbors and a visit to Sunday services, and a person's status is often measured not by the presence of money in his wallet ( "Mad Money" on cocaine and emeralds are sometimes earn in a year), and its affairs to the benefit of other members of the community or country. The majority of Colombians live very rich, considering its duty to the family and relatives to make money work, and not war. Also here are quite strong communist ideas and a certain nationalism, usually occurs in the already mentioned lack of confidence "gringos" and a few exaggerated emphasizing the merits of their lifestyle.

And for all that Colombians are amazingly cordial and friendly people. Boss cafe or restaurant politely welcomed at the entrance of each visitor counter Colombians easily and eagerly greet every person, even a stranger or foreigner, in any village you will gladly tell you, and all its attractions, asking for a fee at a very shy manner. Local drivers who are considered to be a cab, even among far from sparkling driving culture in South America, and they easily gave way to some respectable matron or leisurely trusyaschey on the road a cart with a bundle of reeds. Sedately seated in the shade on the benches "gentleman" can instantly jump up and with unusual vivacity of their physique to rush to translate across a flock kids and the police, especially in the provinces, often in themselves attraction - hung with arms and badges to the American style, they just exude self-confidence and awareness of their own responsibility for everything that is happening around them. Service itself the custodian of the order here can hardly be called easy - every year at the hands of the bandits killed several hundred police and newspapers regularly inflate a noisy campaign on the corruption of law enforcement, but the fact remains - Colombian police are among the best on the continent.

Colombians are widely known and as big fans of art. In any town, in the most provincial village can be found or an art exhibition or just a collection of reproductions in the local library. And the interest of local residents is not limited and not so much on the world masterpieces, but also on the historical works of ancient Indian craftsmen, or the works of contemporary authors. Accordingly, the great desire to decorating your life - local folk costumes are very colorful, and the houses are decorated with great invention and refinement.

Hazardous Plants and Animals
In the waters off the coast of the country is found several varieties of sharks and a lot of poisonous sea creatures. Some types of fish contain in their flesh poisonous toxins, so you should always consult with local residents about the safety of a product. When swimming is better to use the suit, and to enter the water on the coast unequipped shoe sturdy shoes, protective feet on the needles of marine animals and sharp edges of coral rubble. You should also note that the ocean waters, especially on the Pacific coast, rather restless - is strong enough for a lot of zones and turbulence. So choose a place for swimming should be cautious. Also quite strong tidal currents. At low tide formed a very broad sloping areas, which are usually full of seashells, seaweed and debris. In the Caribbean Sea tidal bands are usually quite narrow (from half a meter to 4.5 meters), while on the Pacific coast may reach 10-40 m.


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