Description Carlsbad, Czech Republic

Karlovy Vary - a city well-groomed parks and gardens, galaxy completely unique fairy houses and buildings of different architectural styles, the city of grand cafe, friendly hotel and tempting shops.

Karlovy Vary - a city rich in cultural events. It hosts the International Film Festival, Summer Festival of Opera and Operetta Tourfilm European festival, jazz festival, piano competitions, symphony concerts: "Carlsbad fall Dvorak, Mozart and Karlovy Vary," "Days of Beethoven, Carlsbad literary autumn, opening holiday season and more.


The coldest month - January, average temperature of -3 ° C.

Sometimes it goes up to - 20 ° C. Everything sparkles, snow squeaks. By the way, a lot of snow is not falling, but in the mountains is quite enough for winter sports. Snow in the mountains is from November to April.

The hottest month - July: +13 - +26 ° C.

Summer, this is the rainy time in Karlovy Vary, a rare cloud not shed their tears, flying over Vary with emotion. Therefore, long walks in the woods need to take an umbrella or a raincoat film.

Most dry high season from November to March.


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