Transport Jurmala, Latvia

How to get to Jurmala:

By car - 15-25 minutes, other than highways. Entry to Jurmala - Pay, worth 1 Ls (less than one and a half euros). Ticket for entry permits to park for free parking in Jurmala during the day. If you are staying in a hotel or resort of Jurmala - a ticket to enter purchase is not necessary.

On the train - from the central station in about 20-25 minutes. Please note that the calendar is not the station name "Jurmala" - you'll have to buy a ticket to Lielupe, Bulduri, Maiori, Dubulti or Jaundubulti and sit on trains or in the direction of Sloka Tukums. In the train conductors work that tell you where to go. Tickets can be purchased by going to the car - it is true, so it will cost more.

By bus - from the central station of Riga, by the time the road is the same as on the train.

On the boat - in the summer of Riga Castle runs boat. He stops near the Aquapark Livu and swims to the station Majori. Traveling by ship most picturesque, but the longest time - 1.5 hours.


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