Description North Male Atoll, Maldives

North Male Atoll - the main atoll of the Maldives, which includes the capital of the republic - the city of Male. This atoll is a major tourist destination and boasts the largest number of hotels located on it. Here, there are about 44. One of the islands of North Male Atoll is an international airport, in which all arriving flights to the Maldives. The length of the atoll - 60 km in length and 39 km - in width.

North Male atoll consists of 50 islands, of which only 8 - inhabited. Many of the islands-hotels are located close enough to the airport, which makes it possible to transfer to traditional boats - dhoanis (Doni). Transfer to the more distant islands is carried out on the speedboat or seaplane, which takes much less time.

Islands of the North Male atoll, began to develop as tourist resorts were among the first, due to its proximity to the airport. Today this area is more than a dozen different resorts, and proximity to the airport and the capital of the republic - male, saves time and money to transfer from place of arrival to their hotel and easily at any time make an excursion to Male. Despite the abundance of resorts and planes flying over head, inside the archipelago to preserve an atmosphere of privacy and enclosure of the world.


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