Mexico Customs

Mexico Import and export of foreign currency is not limited (declaration required), import and export of national currency - not more than 5 thousand Mexican pesos. At the entrance to Mexico to fill the customs declaration, which must list all valuable items that are imported into the country. For personal use are allowed to take no more than 400 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 grams. tobacco, up to 2 liters. spirits or wine, 1 camera, 1 camera and 12 films. Forbidden to import fruit, vegetables and products from them, plants, cuttings and seeds of plants, flowers, meat, medicines, without documenting the need for their use (requires a prescription or medkarta), psychotropic substances and pornographic publications. Prohibited the export of archaeological treasures, antiques, precious metals, rare animals and birds, as well as their skins and stuffed.


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