Nigeria Sights

Nigeria City, rather Lagos metropolis, occupies almost the entire territory of the state of the same name and consists of a large number of areas connected and separated by highways. The main attraction - the markets, which occupy large areas in Lagos, mainly in the open air. Here are all mixed up in the most fantastic manner, with all the vendors and buyers, a deafening Galda and argue, and because of the terrible distress that occurs simultaneously from all sides at once, by some miracle their way through cars and cabs with handcarts . In these markets come not only from Nigeria but also from surrounding countries, as well as Lagos - one of the largest ports in Africa. Here you can buy everything, and sometimes at a very reasonable price, especially if you know how to bargain.

Of course, there are in Lagos and the present two-storey supermarket, mostly located in the fashionable area of Victoria Island, and downtown, blocks from the offices of glass and concrete, and respectable restaurants and casinos, but still life is bubbling around the main markets.

Very interesting Sunday church services. On weekends, dressed up, almost all the population attends church. And services are quite fun, with songs and the orchestra, who strums national melodies, almost every service into a small folk festival.

Unique natural monument Nigeria - Jos Plateau, which is a billowing from the greenery of the jungle relict cliffs with flat tops and steep slopes almost eaten by erosion. Externally, they resemble the famous "pillars" of Utah in the United States, but are composed of rocks of gray shades and a bright contrast with the surrounding green of the rainforest. Reserves - Borgou, Kviambana, Yankari etc.

Ibadan (about 1,3 million inhabitants) - the main town of the Yoruba people, excellent weavers and wood carvers and metal engraving. Ibadan emerged in the XVIII century, in the old part of town preserved fortress walls. Benin-City retains the ancient traditions: here particularly picturesque numerous religious holidays. Ife - known as a center of African art, the most interesting articles of bronze and terracotta, ancient samples are stored in a local museum. In the north of the country's interest has existed for over a thousand years the city of Kano with a grand mosque, the ancient palace of the Emir (residents of Kano Muslims) and known throughout Africa bazaar. Other major cities - Port Harcourt, Aba, Enugu, Onicha, Calabar, Kaduna, Kaduna, Katsina, Ilorin, Maiduguri, Jos. Some of them were built relatively recently, others have a long history.


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