Sights Anapa, Russia

Among the natural resort of the most important factors are the sea, clean air and Anapa famous beaches. They stretched for 40 kilometers, gravel strip at - 10 kilometers. The sand consists of quartz and feldspar brought to the Black Sea to the headwaters of the river Kuban. All beaches except the Central, located in the center of the city, obraleny dunes, which sometimes reaches a height of 15 meters. Dunes create a zone of beaches, exotic kind of relief. The pride of Anapa is curative mud - Lima and psevdovulkanicheskie. Their efficiency is not lower than similar to the Dead Sea.

In addition, there are several types of very valuable mineral waters are widely used in spa treatment. Good deduces slags and radionuclides from the organism immunnostimulyator, produced from local mussels. In practice health centers and other exotic treatments: pchelouzhalivanie, medicinal leeches, acupuncture, etc. Active and vinolechenie - because clean Anapa wines are a valuable treasury of vitamins and trace elements.

Anapa - a unique and virtually the only region in Russia neukryvaemogo viticulture. The district has seven wineries. Production up to 50 brands of wines - wonderful taste and affordable price. The city and its suburbs formed system memorial parks and gardens, many fruit trees and shrubs, Crimean pine, blue spruce, thuja, white and Lenkoran acacia, poplar, chestnut, linden, sycamore, lilac.

For historical and architectural monuments of Anapa include: remnants of the Turkish fortress, a monument to the Afghans, ancient excavations, monument to Alexander Pushkin, and others


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