Sights Suzdal, Russia

In Suzdal, an area 5.5 square. km survived more than 70 monuments of religious architecture: 30 stone churches, 3 wood, 5 monastic ensemble; preserved traditional topography of ancient cities: the Kremlin, trade, industrial settlement, monasteries and more than 200 monuments of civil architecture of the XVII-XIX centuries And although more than a dozen monuments have been destroyed in the 30-ies, we can speak about the uniqueness of its preservation. In Suzdal prohibited the construction of modern buildings above three floors, there is little industry.

1958 on the basis of natural history museums of Vladimir and Suzdal Vladimir-Suzdal established historical-artistic and architectural museum-reserve. In order to further preservation of historical and architectural monuments and the development of tourism decided to create a tourist center in Suzdal. In 1974, for the great contribution of workers in the city of the cultural heritage, conservation and restoration of monuments of ancient art, the development of mass tourism and in connection with the 950 th anniversary of Suzdal was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.

Domain Names for Sale. In 1352, north of the city center on the high bank of the Kamenka was founded Male Domain Names for Sale. This was done by order of the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod Prince Constantine. The monastery was conceived as a fortress and was originally surrounded by a wooden wall (destroyed by the Poles). Today's red brick walls of the monastery were built 4 years from 1640 to 1644. Powerful building have 12 towers built by taking into account the possibility to appear at the time the artillery. When the value of the monastery as a fortress lost its meaning, he found a new use - it became a prison. To the prisoners used the most inhuman punishment, and it became a place to enjoy a bad reputation. In 1905 the prison was abolished.

Kremlin. Gates installed in the western and southern portals of the cathedral. The walls of the cathedral are decorated with ornamental pillars and carved stone. To go to the cathedral, it is necessary to go inside the zone walls of the Kremlin, which seem to be very low, insufficient to protect the city. Another thing strong fortifications Savior Evfimeva monastery! Around the Kremlin in some places the remains of ancient earth mounds, little affected by the ravages of time.

The museum of wooden architecture and peasant life. On the left bank of the Kamenka river, on the site of the former Demetrius Monastery, since the 1960's began to create this museum.


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