Sights Tver region and, Russia

Tver region - the natural "dome" of the Valdai Hills and the beginning of the watershed of the giant water systems. It has its origins are so great and longest rivers, like Western Dvina, Dnieper, MSTA, but, of course, the main river is not only the land of Tver, but Russia is the Volga. Istok Volga is a unique natural and historical-cultural monument of world importance. Volga Tver runs on the ground the first 685 miles, taking in its path 150 tributaries. It is widely known in Russia and outside resorts oz. Seliger, Kashin with mineral waters, as well as attractive objects of the tourist industry in the cities of Tver, Torzhok Vishny Volochek, Starica in Konakovskaya, Bologovsky, Penovskom, forestry and other areas.

The presence of natural monuments, unique flora and fauna, low population density in most areas, the lack of hazardous industries (excluding nuclear power plant in Udomlia) make the area distinctive and unique, extremely attractive to different subspecies of environmental and other types of tourism. The capacity of natural medicinal resources and their diversity make it possible to organize in the Tver region and an active called-sanatorium-resort complex. At the resort potential of Tver land is one of the most promising in the center of Russia, given that large areas due to the Chernobyl accident and the Chelyabinsk nuclear reactors were in the zone of ecological disaster, and a number of fields of drinking water and therapeutic mud in Russia is excluded from industrial development.

To Natural Health Resources Tver region are: mineral water of various types and groups that are intended for drinking purposes and for balneoprocedures. Mineral water available in Ostashkov, Selizharovskom, Penovskom, Kashin, Kalyazin, Torzhkovskaya, Andreapolsky, Kalinin, and Kalyazin other districts. In the area there are several types of traditional mud treatments, among which are the sapropel and peat mud, actively used for a variety of effective procedures mud.

Tver Region is very rich and various other natural therapeutic resources, such as: forests, forest parks, water areas of reservoirs, lakes, rivers and other water bodies, beaches and waters surrounding the territory, with medical and health potential and carry out sanitary functions. Currently in the field are 19 sanatoria and resort establishments, which the power sector, accommodation and medical base capable of during the year under uniform load to serve about 300 thousand people.


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