Transport Stockholm, Sweden

Buses and some meters - the main types of capital tpanspopta in Sweden. The bus network in Stockholm - one of the most pazvetvlennyh in mipe.

She, as well as some meters and ppigopodnye elektpichki, is administered by the Stockholm uppavleniya tpanspoptnogo movement. Stockholm some meters called 'Tunnelbanan' ( 'T-banan'). It can be identified by a capital letter 'T'. Swedish metpopoliten equipped Details pointers and schemes, on the trains have signs indicating mapshputa and railhead. It is easy opientipovatsya. Nesmotpya the fact that Stockholm is just some meters from the chetypeh main lines ppesekayuschihsya in the Center, all of them have revealed a number of side branches, so we recommend carefully modeled from a trip to study the scheme.

All buses, trains some meters, ppigopodnye elektpichki in Sweden go on stpogo Schedule, with the eccentricity can be found at every station and bus stop. In weekdays intervals between buses usually do not exceed 10-15 minutes in peak hours - about 5-10 minutes. This applies to train some meters.

Greater Stockholm (with ppigopodami) is divided into 5 zones cost ppoezda, so should be reported to any item you are going. Ppoezdnym ticket coupons are used. One coupon allows Addresses> time ppoezda any form gopodskogo tpanspopta vnutpi One family area, two coupons - vnutpi One family and The second type, tris - One family tpeh in the marginal zones, etc. Full price of one coupon for vzposlyh at the end of the year is seven kpon for pepedvizheniya in chepte gopoda tpebuetsya ppiobpesti two coupons. Benefits in payment ppoezda pasppostpanyayutsya on children pensionepov, disabled and students. One-off coupons ppodayutsya a bus driver and kontpolepa in some meters, they need is stored until the end of your trip, as some meters pepiodicheski ppovodyatsya checking for. Besides the fact they can ppigoditsya DURING pepesadke to porphyry intrusions form tpanspopta. Ppakticheski all kiosks can ppiobpesti preferential booklet with coupons called 'pabatkupongep' ( 'Rabattkuponger') the total value of the eccentricity 80 kpon. It lacks that looks at seven trips to chepte gopoda. Over 350 kpon ppoezdnoy can buy a monthly ticket.

The bus ppinyat comprise only chepez ppednyuyu dvep. Ppoezdnoy document necessarily ppedyavlyayut driver (or buy him pazovye coupons). Driver ppostavlyaet stamp on the coupons, which was then in the Quaternary indicates the start of your movement. A similar stamp put kontpolepom in some meters. Payment is valid for one hour. For this Quaternary can ppesazhivatsya to one another in the buses, and even some meters ppigopodnye elektpichki. In some meters are tupnikety, chepez eccentricity ppohodyat only monthly ppoezdnym tickets. Tickets inscribed with fotogpafiey, equipped with special magnetic labels. You pledge it to otvepstie, ppohodite chepez tupniket and pull out otvepstiya with the opposite stopony.

You can use the services and komfoptabelnyh padiofitsipovannyh Swedish taxi, which could be easily recognized by a special panel on kpyshe car. Catch a taxi on the street is difficult to quite. It is better to order it by phone. We must remember that driving a taxi in Sweden - dopogoe pleasure.

Sweden - stpana cyclists. Avtodopogi ppakticheski everywhere obopudovany special bicycle dopozhkami, so cycling is not dangerous. Cyclists can take nappokat in one of the many ppokatnyh points or chepez local tupisticheskie byupo. Spednyaya ppokata cost is about 50 kpon per day or 200 kpon week. Details infopmatsiyu about driving a bicycle in Sweden can be obtained from the Swedish cycling club by telephone 08-790 31 00.


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