Tonga Sights

Tonga Nature of Tonga is very peculiar. Flora and fauna of the islands are not very diverse because of the isolation of islands from the mainland, but very interesting. On volcanic islands of dry leeward slopes are covered with rare shrubs, but the windward thickly overgrown with lush vegetation. Prevailing plant - coconut palm, tongaleztsy distinguish two dozen of its varieties and find her multifaceted application in farming. Flowers almost there, but plenty of orchids and flowering shrubs beautifully, giving the landscape islands special, easily recognizable color. The largest species of animals - flying fox with a wingspan that reaches one meter. The main inhabitants of the forest - birds, they are here, there are about 30 species: pigeons, parrots, corncrake, herons, ducks, and frigates.

Poverty terrestrial fauna offset by a huge variety of marine life. The inhabitants of the sea are thousands of species: from sharks and tuna to countless species of coral fish, which makes the island very attractive for diving, and dive in these waters is considered an exotic pleasure even for experienced divers due to a large depth of surrounding waters.

In Tonga are one of the most beautiful in the world's coral reefs. Sixty kilometers to the south of o.Tofua is the main volcanic islands of Tonga miracle - the ridge constantly active submarine volcanoes, continually giving birth to new islands and destroyed. The only silent witnesses of ancient Tongan history, preserved to our days, it is the ruins of the defensive structures of ancient civilizations Oceania and the tombs tongalezskih aristocrats.


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