Venezuela Description

Venezuela Five centuries ago, the coast of Venezuela and many Caribbean islands chosen corsairs. The amazing sand beaches of Curacao, and Maracaibo Margarita remember those days, when the rest thugs Edward Ticha, Michel de Grammont and Henry Morgan, surrounded by passionate indeanok and Creole, where exquisite wines flowed a river, and the loot from the Spanish galleons tens of tons of gold buried directly in the shallows , in anticipation of better times. For gentlemen of a knife and a gun these days never came, Venezuela to lay their hands on the Spaniards, and pirate gold and still lies in the ground, waiting for tourists, treasure hunters ...

Venezuela is located in northern South America, the total area of 860,000 km2 of ocean space. To the north of the Caribbean Sea in the south - with the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Republic of Colombia, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and the United Republic of Guyana and to the west with the Republic of Colombia. Area of the country - 912 thousand square meters. km. The structure of Venezuela are about forty islands, the largest - the island of Margarita. Venezuela belong to Aves Island, Orchila, Los Hermanos, Los Testigos, Margarita and La Tortuga, Los Roques and Blankilya, as well as a number of small coral islands (about 72) and reefs (about 200) in the southern Caribbean Sea.


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