Chile Traditions

Chile Religion: Catholics make up 89% of the population, Protestants 11%.

Chileans - one of the most unusual of nations of the world. Formed on the basis of Spanish and Indian population of this territory, it carries with it a wealth of "admixture" of almost all nations of the world. There are a lot of people from the British Isles, Germany, the Slavic countries, but virtually none so typical of other countries in South America come from Africa and South-East Asia. Every ethnic group has brought to the Chilean culture of some its components, which is very well evident in the numerous "ethnic" settlements regions of the country, most of the peoples living there carefully save their cultural traditions and language. And while most of the inhabitants of the country still considers himself Chileans.

The people here are very friendly, even the mountain Indian tribes, which in past years have tried to attribute the excessive cruelty, in fact, are extremely friendly to tourists, and their nature reserve, only emphasizes this aspect. Chileans can easily come to the rescue as when trying to catch a car or find a suitable hotel, and in the case of language difficulties. Say here only in Spanish, but because a diverse ethnic composition of the local population, there is always someone who knows English, German or Russian.

January - New Year.
March / April - Good Friday and Easter.
May 1 - Labor Day.
May 21 - Day of Glory (Day of the Navy).
May 23 - Corpus Christi.
June 29 - Day of Saints Peter and Paul.
August 15 - Assumption.
5-6 September - Day of National Unity (Day of Reconciliation).
September 18 - Independence Day.
September 19 - Army Day.
October 12 - Dia-de-la-Race (Discovery Day, Columbus Day).
November 1 - All Saints Day.
December 8 - Day of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.
December 25 - Christmas.

As in all Latin American countries, Chile is noted a lot of various celebrations and festivals. In January noteworthy festival of folklore in Angola, the festival of classical music in Valdivia, a music festival Dzhoranadas de Villarrica in Villarrica, Chile, Festival del Huaso in Ovalle, International Folklore Festival in San Bernardo, the Feast of St. Sebastian in Yumbel. Good conductivity at the end of the local summer (February) music festival Semanyas de Frutillar (harvest festival) in Tril, February festival Kostumbrista Castro and Jazz Festival in Tonga.

No less interesting festival de la Kankin de Vic, International Exhibition of Los Andes, Derby Day and Viña del Mar (March), a traditional religious festival Fiesta de Quasimodo (April), a famous religious festival Fiesta de La Tirana (12-18 July), numerous celebrations, devoted to the Independence Day, the Day of St. Francis of Assisi (October), the colorful La Fiesta Grande, Fiesta de la Virgin del Rosario in Andakolo (end of December ). International Equestrian Championships held in Viña del Mar in January. The two main races of - Derby (Viña del Mar, January) and El Enasayo (Santiago, October) collects a vast number of participants and spectators.

Please note that the dates of festivals and religious events are subject to change.

The level of crime and corruption in Chile - the lowest in Latin America. In the capital and other major cities still have to run into the risk of fraud (most often this occurs when a currency exchange) or petty thievery in the rural areas of the country as theft or deception guest unthinkable from a moral standpoint. This is connected with the mentality of local residents, and with increasing standard of living in the country (Chile ranks first in Latin America in economic growth and living standards). This is particularly evident in the German areas of the south and in areas densely populated by Indian tribes.

Do not talk with Chileans discussions on political topics, especially - on the Pinochet regime, or attitude towards reform. Nothing wrong with that, but since all Chileans literally obsessed with politics and very mixed feelings about his historical past, such discussions could drag on for several hours. At the same time to maintain their point of view will be drawn more and more "witnesses", and this dispute may well turn into a small rally.


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