Estonia Customs

Estonia Import and export of foreign currency is not limited to, the amount of more than 4350 USD to be declared, more than $ 11 thousand USD to declare with documentary proof of legal provenance of money.

Duty-free import of manufactured goods can be valued up to 5 thousand kroons (excluding vehicles), food products in quantities up to 10 kg., Including coffee, tea and spices - no more than 3 kg. For persons of 21 years -- 1 liter. spirits with alcohol content up to 58%, up to 1 liter. Drinks strength up to 21% and up to 10 liters. beer, or 2 liters. Drinks strength up to 21% and 10 liters. beer. Persons aged 18 to 21 years are allowed to bring up to 2 liters. Drinks medium body and 10 liters. beer and (for at least 16 years) - 200 cigarettes or 20 cigars or 250 grams. tobacco.

Restrictions on the import of personal items and food products intended for personal use, does not exist. Prohibited import and export of weapons, explosives and toxic substances, drugs and some medicines, as well as antiques and precious metals (required documentary permission of relevant authorities).


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