Sights Riviera di Ulysses, Italy

Nearly 100 miles of sandy beaches, transparent sea, charming coves, cliffs and caves, the ever-changing natural scenery and charming resort towns - is not it the best place for your holidays? How big are the precious necklace of diamonds, so original charming small towns make up the coast of Odysseus.

The strip of pristine sand dunes separating the sea from the romantic lake in Paola, Sabaudia, narrow medieval streets, cascading from the slopes of the mythical Mount Circeo, San Felice Circeo, breathtaking cliffs and unique beautiful bays in Sperlonga, an elegant embankment, as if embracing the ideal form bay in Terracina, beautiful port of Gaeta, who guards the entrance to an ancient tower built by the Saracens, known since the Roman Empire form, which leads the ancient Appian Way - all these famous resorts with world-renowned.

Apart from a lovely vacation at the coast in this area have the opportunity to have a great time in the excursion.

The majestic walls of different ages, temples and baths, the summer residence of the emperors and patricians, medieval fortresses and castles, abbeys and churches of various ages - a great choice for excursions, it would wish.

Every city on the coast of interesting and unique in its own way.

Why is the coast called the Riviera Odisceya?
After the Trojan War heroes of Homeric epic, some headed to these shores: Aeneas, before reaching Lavinia, made a stopover in Gaeta, where she died of his nurse Kayeta, Corax of Syracuse Argossky or Dardanus, which is attributed to the base, Cory, Odysseus, who visited with their ships in the Gulf of Gaeta to stock up with water from Artakiyskogo key that came there in the terrible Laestrygonians. He also stopped at Terracina, where the funeral of his friend Elpenora, Cape Circeo, where he spent the years of love with the sorceress Circe, the Pontinskih islands, which are disputed by Circeo legend about the love, and at Anzio, which received its name, possibly from name Anteiosa, one of his sons by Circe. In Sperlonga, at the National Archaeological Museum collection of articles describes the major twists and turns wanderings of Odysseus. In short, the reasons are more than sufficient to bind this legendary land of the mythical hero.


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