United States Description

United States The United States is the largest nation in the world. The country is located in all climatic zones, which favors the development of all sectors of the economy, including tourism. United States - a country where there is a combination of many small and large cities, the country where you will find a variety of climate and terrain, races and creeds. Each district has its own specifics United States, each operating their own way and methods. Activities in the United States is the impression of natural wonders, and miracles of the New Light ", with the diversity of traditions and culture, amazing architecture, computer advances.

United States - federal republic comprising 50 states with some autonomy, and the Federal District of Columbia. 48 states are compact, 2 - separately: Alaska (the status of the state received in 1958) and Hawaii (the status of the state received in 1959). Alaska is the extreme north-west of North America and the Bering Strait is separated from the extreme northeast of Russia. Hawaii (50 th state) - an archipelago of 24 islands, located in the central Pacific Ocean and is separated from the mainland United States 4 thousand miles of Pacific waters. In addition, the United States belong to the island of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean, Eastern Samoa, Guam and the islands of Micronesia (United Nations trust territory) in the Pacific Ocean and the Pacific atolls of Wake and Midway, equipped to test missiles. U.S. border with Canada in the north and Mexico to the south. Covers an area of 9666861 square kilometers, of which 1593438 sq.km. accounted for Alaska and 16,729 sq km to Hawaii. The highest point in the country (and throughout North America) is located in Alaska - Mount McKinley (6194 m), the lowest place - the Valley of Death (86 m below sea level) - is in California. The average height of the United States about 760 m above sea level.

About half of the territory occupied by mountain ranges, plains and plateaus of the Cordillera, the eastern edge of the belt of the Cordillera mountain ranges form the Rocky Mountains with a height of more than 4000 m. To the east are Appalachian Mountains (2037 m). Between the Cordilleras and the Appalachians are vast inland plains - Central, Great - and Primeksikanskaya lowland. In the west, many rivers form the magnificent beauty of the canyons, breaking ridges. In the north is a chain of Great Lakes - Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario - an area of about 200000 square kilometers All of the largest islands: Hawaii, Kahulavi, Oahu, Maui, Kauai - mountainous and low. The north-west of the atolls of the Hawaiian islands are crowned with an underwater volcanic ridge and is the highest in the land of active volcanoes.


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