United States Traditional cuisine

United States American breakfast - it is scrambled eggs or an omelet with bacon, ham, sausages and fried potatoes. The hotel's restaurant can be ten kinds of eggs, omelets, salads, juice and coffee. In eggs will only cornflakes, sometimes oatmeal.

Lunch (lunch) is from 12 to 14 hours in the standard version is a soup + burger (cheeseburger, mamaburger, papaburger, etc.). Very common lunch reservation by phone. Typically, this use in the office - within 15 minutes after the call to you a hot meal, neatly packed in a box. It may be Japanese, Chinese and any other kitchen.

Dinner in American corresponds roughly to our dinner - soups, second, salads, etc.

National American dish - the hamburger in all forms and other achievements of fast food, washed down with Coca-Cola. But fortunately this does not mean that more in America have nothing to eat. There are many amateurs how to eat and nowhere presented as restaurants of national cuisine. In any big city you will find Chinese and Japanese, Spanish and Mexican, Irish and Indian, Greek and Jewish restaurants, and they will, as they say, at every corner. Here visit the restaurant is not an event, as in Russia. Many dine there several times a week and sometimes daily. The real Americans always have your favorite restaurant.

Americans joke that they drink only one drink. As hot as it is called coffee, and cold - Coca-Cola. What is Coca-Cola does not need to explain, but the coffee absorbed by the Americans in huge numbers, the taste does not like supplied in Italy, France or Turkey. Find a place in the U.S., where people know how to make coffee, not easy.

Terms of the sale of liquor shall be established by the authorities of the relevant State. Bars, pubs and liquor stores may be closed on Sundays. In the supermarket, to work on Sunday, the shelves can be crammed with wine, but drink not succeed - the rules are strictly enforced.


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