Argentina Description

Argentina Argentina - is the only Latin American country where Europeans and North Americans can feel at ease and travel relatively inconspicuously. In order to vacationing in Argentina is not very different from the locals, you need only interested in football and have some skills in playing it. Argentina - it is still unexplored and open to most tourist country, where every step you waiting for a new adventure.

The Argentine Republic - a state in southern South America. By area (2780.4 thousand sq. km.) It is second only to Brazil. In the north and north-eastern border with Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil, with Uruguay in the east, south and west - with Chile, its eastern shores are washed by the Atlantic Ocean, and in the extreme south - subantarctic waters. The total length of the border - 9 665 km length of coastline - 4 989 km. Argentina also owns part of the island of Tierra del Fuego and several small islands.

In its present borders of the country was formed in the XIX century, gaining independence in 1816. In the colonial period, Argentina was one of the most backward areas of the continent, as the Spaniards did not find this gold and other precious metals. However, in the middle of XIX century, the fertile plains of the Argentine pampas are the largest in the Western Hemisphere regions of attraction of European immigration. The core of the Argentine nation are Creoles - Spaniards born in Argentina. Biggest in size and duration of immigration was Spanish and Italian, as many French, Polish, Russian.


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