Belgium Customs

Belgium The following goods may be imported into Belgium without customs duties:

- Arriving from EU countries with dutiable goods: 800 cigarettes, 200 cigars and 1 kg of tobacco, 90 liters of wine (including up to 60 liters of sparkling wine), 10 liters of spirits, 20 liters of fortified wine, 110 liters of beer, 250 ml of spirits;

- Arriving from other countries: 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco, 2 liters of wine, 1 liter of spirits or 8 liters of Luxembourg wines (except for the Luxembourg border), 50 ml of spirits and 250 ml eau de toilette; other goods worth to 2000 Belgian francs.

Prohibited goods: not canned meat. Other non-canned foods must be declared.


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