Qatar Traditions

Qatar State religion - Islam. The indigenous people of Qatar to hold Wahhabism - religious-political trend in Islam, whose founder was Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703 - 1787). Advocating for the "purity" of Islam, Wahhabis preach simplicity of manners and the idea of uniting the Arabs. Wahhabism - the official ideology of Saudi Arabia. Other Muslims of Qatar - the supporters of Sunni and Shia.

Much of the country subject to customs and traditional Islamic rules, so you should observe certain rules of conduct. Most of the people of Qatar to hold Wahhabi laws, but the accepted norms, oddly enough, are less stringent than in many neighboring countries - it is alcohol available in bars, hotels and restaurants, as there are no restrictions on the management of women's cars, their participation in public life and t . etc. However, in public places, women should avoid unnecessary open or tight clothes and mini-skirts, and men - shorts or shirts without sleeves. Enter the mosque to non-Muslims is forbidden.

Most hotels and restaurants are licensed to sell alcoholic beverages. Removal of alcohol on the street, drinking in public places, driving drunk and transportation of alcohol is punishable by law and punished harshly enough (up to imprisonment). Prices on alcohol are high. During Ramadan, alcohol is not sold. "Night Life" as such in Qatar there.

Upon entering the house should always remove your shoes and follow the instructions of the owner. The meal passes without tables and chairs - guests are placed on the floor, on special mats and cushions. Treats usually very light (tea, coffee, fruit, sweets, etc.), but quite heavy (a cup will be filled permanently) and it is not taken to give - the rules of politeness is recommended to drink on a visit at least one and not more than three cups of coffee (it is not difficult, since the size of these cups is very small.) Take food left hand is not accepted. Fig take a pinch, some pasty dishes (hoummus, mutabbel), you can take a piece of bread. The guests are served in order of seniority. Among the guests are traditional Arab rule hierarchy - should not interrupt the speech, the eldest or the head of the family, should be given every consideration the owner and guests. In such cases, tourists are advised to simply mannered guests do the same.

Qatar - one of the safest countries in the world. The crime rate is extremely low. Even in the province and at night you can not fear any problems with the locals.

Do not withdraw military and police installations, airports, and the interior of mosques. In the household survey should also be very careful - you should not photograph or even build the lens on men without their consent. Especially not encouraged to take photographs of women and clergy, sometimes actively prevent shooting even police.

When communicating with local residents should not talk about his personal life (family - how much you like), on religion, local women, the laws and customs. At the same time, the question to the woman about her husband or the number of children she is considered appropriate. You should not complain about some of its problems and in general - restraint is welcome. Monarch enjoys the unquestioned authority in the country, so any statements about him or his family may be perceived at least hostile.

Milk is not pasteurized, so also be subjected to heat treatment. Should eat only well-done meat or fish. Vegetables should be cooked, and fruits - cleaned.

The natural hazards are also thermal (solar) stroke, high levels of solar radiation (use protective creams, sunglasses and clothing), a kind of local food and water. Dangerous wild animals virtually none. Other natural hazards include some risk of contracting typhoid, hepatitis B and skin diseases, it is theoretically inherent in the hinterland.

Almost all of the equipped beaches of the country belong to hotels. Log in to them for hotel guests free of charge for foreign visitors - for a small fee. Similarly, you can use the services of sports centers and swimming pools at hotels, not even living in them.


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