Slovakia Customs

Slovakia Import and export of local and foreign currency is not limited (the declaration is required if the amount exceeds 150 thousand kroons or its equivalent in foreign currency). When exporting currency must submit a document about its origins. For entry into Slovakia should bring the established law of the country the amount of currency (not less than 50 dollars for each day of stay) or the obligation of the inviting party to pay all costs associated with staying in the Slovak Republic.

Allowed duty-free importation (including postage in the mail) up to 200 pcs. cigarettes or 100 fine cigars, or 50 ordinary cigars or 250 grams. smoking tobacco, up to 1 liter. spirits (fortress svysche 38%), up to 2 liters. wine, to 50 ml. spirits, to 250 ml. toilet water, as well as items for personal use not exceeding 30 thousand crowns. Tobacco products may be imported only by persons over 16 years, alcohol - over 18 years. Drugs and medicines may be imported free of duty in an amount necessary to ensure the minimum personal needs.


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