Australia Transport

Australia In a country drive on the left. For drivers, foreigners (21 years) in Australia must have permission to drive the international sample (in English) and the national driver's license with a certified translation into English, valid during their stay in Australia no less than 3 consecutive years. Foreigners behind the wheel, except driver's license are required to carry a passport with a valid visa. Car hire can take anyone over 21 years (sometimes - 25 years). Minimum driving experience - 2 years.

Major cities in South-east bound bus lines of the company "Greyhound-Pioneer", the south and east coast - sparse network of railways. The best way to know the country - a journey by car. Distances between cities can reach 2,045 kilometers.

City buses ply from 05:00 to 23:00. Passage paid cards, which can be bought in kiosks and stations. Most advantageous to acquire week (green, 17,5 AUD) cards, suitable for all types of transport and operating from 09:00 am. Sydney has an extensive network of monorail trains and coastal vessels. Easy to catch a taxi on the street or ordered by phone, even late at night. A taxi relatively inexpensive. Operates a system of water taxis.


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